The Baffs 2025

P & B

Tidbits about The Baffs

Get to know us abit more …

How did you first meet?

We met at a close friend’s brunch party in April 2021

Who made the first move? How?

Baffour did. It was really the way he introduced Penyin to his little brother (His best friend) as his “woman” even before telling her directly he was interested in her. According to Penyin, there was this sudden sense of peace and calmness she felt when Baffour placed his hand on her thigh gently and said those words, she knew right then and there he was her Husband.
They have been inseparable since…

Who is the best driver?

Baff, but Of course Penyin thinks she is, but she is the most aggressive driver ever, yet she lacks core driving skills

Who's going to take out the trash?

Whoever sleeps first on movie night the night before trash day. Haha!

If you could live in any TV show, which one would it be?

Definitely The Game of Thrones.
Baff is Tyrion Lannister and Penyin is Sansa Stark

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Baff – Fufu
Pee - Waakye

What is your Favorite Movie genre to watch together?

Comedy and Action

What's your favorite activity together?

We love to play the most intensive and competitive UNO games together, and Guess who the reigning champion is…. Penyin!

Where are you going for your honeymoon?

Undecided but anywhere with beautiful beaches!

What's the best meal you have eaten together?

On a very random unplan date night we treated ourselves to most sensational elevated Mexican food at speakeasy inside dLeña DC called Roja. The food was magical. Live music. Everything about that place was sensational, one of our best nights

What's the most memorable trip you have taken together?

June 2023, Penyin’s birthday Trip in CABO!

What is something small that really makes your day?

We both work from home so usually right before we login to work, we have a quick smooch session lol French kissing and ass grabbing 😉

What do you do together to strengthen your bond?

Praying every morning together.

We’re on the same page about?

Putting God first in all things and loving each other no matter what

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